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Work Productivity

Keep up with the best ways to stay productive at work when digital distractions seem to be everywhere.

Top 10 Time Management Tips for Work: Boost Your Productivity
Jul 9, 2024 •

Top 10 Time Management Tips for Work: Boost Your Productivity

Managing your time wisely is not a mere skill – it’s a full-blown necessity especially now that everything is fast-paced. According to Homebase, workers dedicate just around 51% of their workday to tasks that offer little to no value on average. With distractions ubiquitous and deadlines incessant, it’s quite the challenge to make sure you’re […] Continue Reading
11 Best Time Management Tools to Help You Be More Productive
Jul 9, 2024 •

11 Best Time Management Tools to Help You Be More Productive

Managing your time well is necessary for boosting productivity and lowering stress levels. Research shows that managing your time well helps improve job performance, academic success, and overall happiness. It was also found to reduce stress to a moderate extent (source). It may sound easy, but it’s a concept that many of us find challenging. […] Continue Reading
3 Focused Work Tools to Boost Productivity at Work
Jul 9, 2024 •

3 Focused Work Tools to Boost Productivity at Work

Maintaining focus is a real big challenge for a lot of professionals. The constant notifications, endless internet browsing, and multitasking often result in lower efficiency and heightened stress. Picture starting your workday with a clear plan, only to get sidetracked by unrelated tasks just a few hours later. This happens all too often. However, the […] Continue Reading
Learn How to Stay Focused While Working from Home
Jul 9, 2024 •

Learn How to Stay Focused While Working from Home

Struggling to focus when you’re working from home? As remote work becomes increasingly common, many people find it challenging to keep their focus in a home environment. According to a survey by FlexJobs, 65% of respondents reported that they are more productive working from home. While this is good news, the biggest challenge for work-from-home […] Continue Reading
9 Best Productivity Tools to Supercharge Your Efficiency
Jul 9, 2024 •

9 Best Productivity Tools to Supercharge Your Efficiency

Can you imagine starting your day with a clear plan, knowing exactly what needs to be done and how to tackle each task efficiently? For many of us, the reality is quite different. We often find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities, struggling to stay focused amidst a myriad of distractions. According to a report from WorkLife, […] Continue Reading
How to balance work & life while working from home
May 19, 2024 •

How to balance work & life while working from home

What is the best way to balance your professional and personal life? We’ve rounded up our 6 top tips to make sure you continue to enjoy both as much as possible 2020 hasn’t been an easy year for anyone to say the least. A year where the world was hit with a pandemic that saw […] Continue Reading
How to Increase Productivity at Work?
May 19, 2024 •

How to Increase Productivity at Work?

Visualize this scene: Monday morning arrives, and there you are, confronted with an overwhelming pile of tasks, each accompanied by a rapidly approaching deadline. The clock steadily ticks away, but your productivity appears frozen in time. Does this resonate with you? Take comfort in knowing that this is a common experience for many. Consistently achieving […] Continue Reading
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