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The BlockSite Blog

Tips and ideas on productivity, focus and better time management

Why You Need a Digital Detox and How to Do It Properly
May 19, 2024 •

Why You Need a Digital Detox and How to Do It Properly

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by constant notifications and screen time, especially in our hyper-connected society. On average, we spend around 6.5 hours on the internet every day based on research done by Global Web Index. This is why we all need a digital detox. Taking a break from devices can help restore your balance […] Continue Reading
How to Stay Focused When Studying and Improve Your Academic Performance
May 19, 2024 •

How to Stay Focused When Studying and Improve Your Academic Performance

Are you aware that students can only focus on average for about 10 to 15 minutes? It’s a common issue faced by students from all corners of the Earth. That’s based on a study posted in the American Journal of Physiology. The yearn to concentrate when studying is real, but distractions are even more tempting. […] Continue Reading
How to Reduce Digital Distractions for Enhanced Focus and Productivity
May 19, 2024 •

How to Reduce Digital Distractions for Enhanced Focus and Productivity

From social media notifications to endless emails, our focus is constantly being hijacked, leading to decreased productivity and a sense of overwhelm. According to the 2022 Program for International Student Assessment, a majority of U.S. teenagers reported academic performance issues correlated with digital distractions in class. But what exactly are these digital distractions, and how […] Continue Reading
The Most Blocked Websites of 2023
May 19, 2024 •

The Most Blocked Websites of 2023

At BlockSite we are focused on making sure you are set up to have the most productive days whether you’re studying or or at work. It’s been reported that the average internet user spends approximately 6.5 hours a day online, which is a lot of time to get great work done, so long as it’s spent […] Continue Reading
Phubbing: A Mindless Habit That Can Ruin Relationships
May 19, 2024 •

Phubbing: A Mindless Habit That Can Ruin Relationships

There’s a growing social problem these days and it’s called “phubbing”. This silent yet powerful behavior affects personal relationships more than anything else does today, and it is indicative of our ambivalent attitude towards digital technology and how it shapes social interaction. What is Phubbing? Phubbing, a term derived from ‘phone’ and ‘snub,’ refers to […] Continue Reading
How to Spend Less Time on your Phone
May 19, 2024 •

How to Spend Less Time on your Phone

Did you know that the average person touches their phone 2,617 times a day? With technology dramatically advancing each year, people are becoming more and more dependent on their devices. The rise of phone addictions are increasing at an exponential rate and the consequences are detrimental to your mental health, physical health, and overall quality […] Continue Reading
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